The cartoon shows Great Britain as a red-faced, sweating fat man. Ireland is represented by his equally chubby child, who is reading a newspaper with the headline: "BRITS ARE FATTEST IN EUROPE". The Continent seems to be holding up its hands in horror.
Since the 1980s, obesity has spread at an alarming rate. Across OECD countries, one in 2 adults is currently overweight and 1 in 6 is obese. The rate of overweight people is projected to increase by a further 1% per year for the next 10 years in some countries.
Rates are highest in the United States and Mexico and lowest in Japan and Korea, but have been growing virtually everywhere.
12 to 15 % of European women over 16 suffer domestic abuse in a relationship– too many have died. Many more continue to suffer physical and sexual violence from former partners even after the break-up.
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